Escape Routes

  1. What Fire Door Signage Do I Need?

    What Fire Door Signage Do I Need?

    One of the most common overlooked workplace signage around buildings are fire door signs, not fire exit door signs but rather signs which belong on fire doors both on escape routes and the fire exits which are more commonly known as final fire exits. It is vital for building owners and employers to ensure people under their control whether employed or visiting are kept safe at all times whilst on your premises, just as employers are required by law to display the health & safety law posters they must also conduct a fire risk assessment of any building under their control to safeguard the occupants from fire whilst on the premises. The finding of your fire risk assessment will determine what (if any) specific actions must be carried out, it may require you to implement extra safeguarding measures

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  2. Fire Exit Arrow Up Signage Explained

    The meaning of Fire Exit Arrow Up Signage

    All workplaces and public buildings are required by law to ensure the occupants of the building can escape to a place of safety, in reasonable time and along a fire protected route. To ensure building owners mount fire exit arrow up signs in the correct positions and locations it is important that a fire risk assessment is carried out which will determine where you can mount your fire exit up arrow signs, keep in mind whilst carrying out your fire risk assessment that wherever you are standing inside the building you must be able to visibly see some type of fire exit sign. Fire exit signs with an up arrow are designed in various materials, sizes and formats all of which will depend on the environment and size of the building where they are going to be mounted, for example, in small premises such as shops and offices often self-adhesive material fire exit arrow up signs can be the ideal choice taking into consideration the environments which

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  3. Guidance Regarding Escape Routes

    This section provides further guidance on the general principles that apply to escape routes and provides examples of typical escape route solutions for a range of common building layouts. The guidance is based on premises of normal risk so if your premises (or part of your premises) are higher (or lower) risk you should adapt the solution accordingly.

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  4. Emergency Plans Together With Fire Drills

    We have now all been doing fire drills since we were in traditional grammar school. However in an up-to-date industrial surroundings there is certainly a lot more to consider than simply marching the pupils down the hall. In a production scenario, there are specific actions that need to be taken by machine operators to shut down the machines in safety and to minimise the restart cost. Just in case you are not actually shutting down your machines for a drill, you then don't know if your own methods actually deliver the results.

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  5. Workplace Fire Detection And Warning Guidance

    A fire in your workplace must be detected quickly and a warning given so that people can escape safely. Early discovery and warning will increase the time available for escape and enable people to evacuate safely before the fire takes hold and blocks escape routes or makes escape difficult. The nature and extent of the fire detection and warning arrangements in your workplace will need to satisfy the requirements indicated by your risk assessment.

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  6. Escape Route Guidance For Disabled People

    Means Of Escape For Disabled People

    Legislation dealing with the needs of disabled people does not make any specific requirements regarding means of escape in case of fire. However, the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 requires employers to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to their premises to ensure that no employee is at a disadvantage. This includes ensuring that disabled people can leave the premises safely in the event of fire.

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  7. How To Safely Evacuate UK Public Places

    Fire Detection & Warning Methods

    This Section Provides Guidance on Fire Detection And Warning Systems, Where an electrical fire-warning system is necessary then a straightforward arrangement typically includes the following;

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